Privacy Policy
The following Privacy Policy (“Policy”) clarifies how IQPay collects, uses, shares, and protects Personal Information you provide us during the usage of (“IQPay”) website. Under “Personal Information” we mean any data you can be identified with.
We have taken all possible measures for your safety. You can be sure in your information security and confidentiality as all the documents and submitted data will be stored in a safe place in an encrypted form.
What kind of information can we collect?
When you use our website we can collect your Personal Information such as:
Your contact information required when you want to connect with us. In this case you have to fill in the proper fields with your name, E-mail (both are required).
Our system also tracks and collects all the information, which we receive when you surf on our website, namely your access date & time, device identification, operating system, IP address, browser type and version. We can obtain above mentioned data directly or using third party services.
Be noticed that IQPay does not collect any information You can be identified with without your permission.
How can we use received information?
We use your Personal Information only for improving our Website Services.
Especially, we use user’s data for the next reasons:
– to maintain good functionality of our platform;
– to help our systems ensure that our interface is accessible for all users regardless of the platform they use for surfing;
– to protect your assets we monitor suspicious operations and prevent any fraud and scam activity in time;
– to send you E-mails with our news and updates from time to time we can use the information received from you when you entered your Personal Data for contacting us;
– to resolve disputes and protect your interests or interests of other users.
Personal Data Retention
We will ensure that any information we need for any purpose shall not be kept for longer than it is necessary. We retain your personal data just to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and protect your legitimate interests. You can always request to remove the personal data. But keep in mind that in certain cases we are obliged to store your information to be legally compliant.
Your Rights
According to the legislative norms You have the following rights regarding your Personal Information:
– the right to have an access and to change at any time your personal data that we collected and store;
– the right to delete the Personal Information free of charge any time by making a request (in certain cases user’s data cannot be deleted due to legal liabilities);
– the right to stop collection of your Personal Data (please, keep in mind, that from that moment we will not be able to process your data, but still can hold it);
– the right to data portability that allows you to receive the data you have provided us within any common used readable format;
– the right to file complaints and claims with regulatory authorities in case of breach of your Personal Information and insufficient security.
Please, remember about these right exceptions appearing when the access to your Personal Data can result in another person’s Information disclosure or if we have not the legal right to reveal such information due to some juridical circumstances.
IQPay implemented security measures to comply with accepted international security standards. Our platform also uses SSL or TLS encryption for security reasons and for the protection of confidential content transmission when you send us requests. In your web browser’s address bar you can find an encrypted connection when “http://” changes to “https://” and the lock icon is displayed there. You can be sure that there will not be your Personal Data leaking to the third parties if SSL or TLS is enabled.
Policy Changes
IQPay can change or amend the current Policy any time with a prior user’s notification on the official website or via E-mail Newsletters.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the present Policy, or would like to exercise any of your rights regarding your Personal Data, you should contact us
by [email protected]
Cookies policy
Since the moment you access all the information regarding your surfing on the site is recorded by our systems that help us to improve the interface and make it more user friendly as well as to analyze how our site is used. All collected information is anonymous and can be used by us only in order to make site more functional and add an interesting content. The data we receive from you is called a Cookie file.
What is it?
When you surf on the Internet – our website (or any other site you visit) sends to your browser a little text file called “Cookie”, which is stored on the device you use. It is possible to use Cookies in various ways, but generally they are used to store the information about your internet activity.
How cookies are used?
In your first access, there will appear a pop up window asking about the Cookies acceptance. From our side, we recommend you to accept it since we can improve Website Navigation and User Experience more comfortable. Be advised about many options you will not be able to use in case you decline the Cookies.
How long are Cookies stored?
Cookies have an option of auto deletion after several months have passed (time period may differ), but they are automatically updated each time you return to the Website